CaveLight Films
4 min readFeb 28, 2023


We are disrupting your morning coffee, your daily commute and your favorite sporting events.
We will do whatever, whenever, by any means necessary.
We are going deep undercover to reveal the truth behind your “humanely” slaughtered meal.
We are blockading major distribution centers to break supply chains.
We are hiring professional lobbyists to push our agenda in congress.
We are harnessing the power of scientific ingenuity to create alternatives.
We are doing it with kindness, compassion and whole-hearted persistence.
Yet make no mistake, we are prepared for war.
We are armed with overwhelming research and indisputable evidence.
We are increasingly getting elected to local, national and international political office.
We are infiltrating mainstream media.
We are plastering the consequences of your actions across city streets and your social feeds so you can’t look away.
We are examining deeply ingrained cognitive dissonance to undo generations of brainwashing.
We are breaking stereotypes, building community and growing exponentially.
We will not stop.
We are ex-cattle ranchers and corporate executives.
We are top bodybuilders, Olympians, NFL and NBA stars.
We are lawyers, rescuers, philosophers, doctors and climate scientists.
And we are determined to take away your “right” to exploit, brutalize and commoditize what isn’t yours.
We are working tirelessly to reallocate billions in tax subsidies and help farmers transition to plant-based agriculture that is better for them and the planet.
We are putting our freedom on the line to rescue trillions of brutally tortured animals, one by one if we have to, setting groundbreaking legal precedent.
We will do literally anything, except violence, since we’d never do to you what you’re doing to the animals you eat and wear.
We want you to drop that burger on your own, but we won’t wait.
We are coming.
We may not win, but I for one, will die trying.

Important Note:

There are tens of thousands of amazing people working around the clock on a cross-section of crucial animal related issues that weren’t mentioned.

These are just a handful of people that we’ve been following or have worked with directly.

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!

Jordan Ehrlich

Mentioned in Links:

  • Voters For Animal Rights
  • Agriculture Fairness Alliance
  • Direct Action Everywhere, DxE
  • Wayne Hsiung
  • Zoe Rosenburg
  • Raven Deerbrook
  • Animal Rebellion
  • PETA
  • James Cromwell
  • Nicholas Carter, plantbaseddata.org
  • Also: faunalytics.org and the Get Proof podcast with Simon Hill
  • Earthling Ed, Ed Winters
  • Upside Foods, Uma Valeti
  • Ryuji Chua
  • NY State Senator, Jabari Brisport
  • Senator Cory Booker
  • Emma Hurst MP, Animal Justice Party
  • Melanie Joy, Ph.D., BeyondCarnism.org
  • Rob Banks
  • Tash Peterson
  • Compton Vegan, Lemel Durrah
  • Gwenna Hunter, Vegans of LA
  • Renee King-Sonnen
  • Phillip Wollen
  • Olympian, Dotsie Bausch, Switch4Good.org
  • Camille Labchuk, animaljustice.ca
  • Leah Doellinger, meat-the-victims.org
  • Dr. Michael Greger
  • Allie Feldman Taylor
  • Connie Spence



CaveLight Films
CaveLight Films

Written by CaveLight Films

A documentary film production company founded by Jordan Ehrlich